Abra 101
Location: Bordered by Ilocos Norte on the northwest, Apayao on the northeast, Kalinga on the mideast, Mountain Province on the southeast, and Ilocos Sur on the southwest.Population: 241,160 (2015 census)
Capital Town: Bangued

History: Became a politico-military province on October 8, 1846 under a Spanish military governor. On February 28, 1905 the Philippine Commission enacted Act 1306 annexing the the province of Abra to the province of Ilocos Sur for financial economic reasons. Twelve years later, on March 9, 1917 the Philippines Legislature enacted Act 2683 authorizing the segregation of the province of Abra from the province of Ilocos Sur and establishing the province of Abra to full provincial status.
Total Land Area: 4,165.25 km2
Municipalities: 27
Barangays: 303
Largest Municipality: Tineg (744.80 km2)
Smallest Municipality: Peñarrubia (38.29 km2)
Longest River: Abra River
Provincial Seal: A prancing stallion over a mountain gorge with a meadering river and padded fields.
From the Spanish word "abrir" or "abre" meaning gorge, pass, breach or opening and it was first used by the Spaniards to denote the region above the Banaoang Gap where Abra River exits onto the China Sea. Thus the Rio Grande de Abra. Later it was used to name the newly created province drained by its great basin.
The prancing stallion means that Abra was once upon a time famous for its horses - noted for their strength, speed and endurance. Padded fields signify that the main occupation and means of livelihood of the people is farming.
Provincial Bird: King Fisher, Salaksak
Scientific Name: Megaceryle (Genus), M. Alcyon (Species)
The Kingfisher is a friendly bird that sings its gladness in the early hours of the morning as if greeting the rising sun and its herald of good news or tidings to everyone. Its beautiful combination of colors invites appreciation and admiration for the beauty that is typically Abrenian.
To farmers, the singing of the Kingfisher late in the afternoon heralds the coming of rain and thus bringing good news and happiness to them.

Provincial Flower: Gardenia, Rosal
Scientific Name: Gardenia (genus), G. Jasminoisdes (Species)
The flower stands by itself symbolizing the independence of mind of Abrenians and their sturdiness as a people. its bigger corollas fill the air with soothing fragrance and its whiteness that of purity of hearts and minds.
Provincial Tree: Mahogany
Scientific Name: Swietenia Mahogani, S. Humilis S. Macrophylla
The mahogany reaches up to the sky in a straight and uprightly manner bringing with it the dreams and aspirations of the Abrenians. Its finer fiber and blending colors of dark red and light red symbolize the finer qualities of Abrenians in times of peace and their bravery and courage in times of crisis and even war.
Sources: 1992 Arya Abra Festival Diamond Anniversary Souvenir Book, Wikipedia